Enrollment is limited to 20.
About the Webinar:
IOIA/OMRI Crop Input Materials webinar is an introductory 100 level course. The course is geared for new inspectors and material reviewers with either a limited amount or no previous understanding of the National Organic Program (NOP) crop standards. IOIA will determine final participant eligibility.
Participants in this essential introductory session will learn how to:
The webinar will be taught by an experienced OMRI trainers, Peter Bungum and Aura del Angel Larson.
To Register and Pay: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/8869795930811857499
This course is comprised of 3 components:
The pre-webinar assignment is crucial for course attendee success. In this portion of the course, we show you the important resources that you need to assess the compliance of inputs. The two-hour webinar will help course attendees connect the pieces studied in the pre-webinar assignment, and provide an opportunity to think more deeply about the standards. However, considering the limited length, the webinar will not provide a review of all material covered in the pre-webinar assignment. The course concludes with an exam to evaluate individual learning.
Course attendees should expect to spend 6-10 hours to complete the self-study reading and exercises, and approximately 1 ½ -2 hours to complete the exam following the webinar.
Assignment Due Dates and Information:
Pre-Webinar: 12:00 Noon (Pacific) September 19, 2025
Final Exam: 11:55 pm (Pacific) October 7, 2025
Your Pre-Webinar Assignment will be emailed to you two weeks prior to the due date. Your Final Exam will be sent to you at the conclusion of the webinar session.
Grades and Certificates:
IOIA will follow-up with you within 30 days of the completion of the webinar with your course outcome.
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. (Pacific)
End Time: 12:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Certificates: Participants who meet minimum requirements will receive will receive a joint IOIA/OMRI Certificate of Completion.
Letters of Participation: Participants who attend the webinar but opt out of the assignment submission, fail to achieve a passing score will receive a joint IOIA/OMRI Letter of Participation, to document their attendance.
Please Note: Certificates and Letters of Participation will not be provided until the course is paid in full.