April 8 & 11, 2025: 200 Level Livestock Feed Audit (Dairy)

Start Date: April 08 2025
End Date: April 11 2025
Non member Price: $325

Course Description

This webinar will be given in two sessions, on two dates, each session is 2.5 hours long. The course includes a pre-course and mid-course assignment, practice exercises and a final exam.  The course focus is organic certification requirements to the NOP Standards. This course complements the IOIA Livestock Feed Audit (Non-Dairy) Webinar which addresses feed audits for meat and fiber animals, including swine and poultry (eggs and meat).  

Enrollment is limited to 20. 

Learner Outcomes:

  • Proficiency calculating Dry Matter Demand, Dry Matter Intake and Pasture DMI and Day Weighted Averages
  • Determining Body Condition Scoring
  • Evaluation of typical pasture conditions and production in multiple Bioregions
  • Understanding varied Grazing, Milking, Feed Storage and Housing Systems
  • Assessing Risk on Organic Dairies
  • Increasing basic knowledge of Forages, Grains and Concentrate Feed Values

IOIA's Livestock Feed Audit (Dairy) online course is taught by experienced organic inspector Nate Powell-Palm. Nate is a dairy inspector and has experience as certified organic operator with a multi-species livestock operation.

Cost for the Webinar:  

$325 for non-members
$300 for IOIA Members

To Register and Pay: 


The course is comprised of 4 components:  self-study pre-webinar, mid-webinar exercises, the webinar, and an exam. The self-study components include exercises that are completed and submitted for grading. The pre-webinar and mid-webinar assignments are designed to encourage participants to prepare and explore resources on the NOP website applicable to organic crop standards. The webinar will include in-class discussion, examples, exercises and the opportunity for questions and answers.  The course concludes with an exam to evaluate individual learning.

Pre-Course: 12:00pm PDT, April 3, 2025
Mid-Course: 12:00pm PDT, April 10, 2025
Final Exam: 11:55pm PDT, April 18, 2025

Your Pre-Webinar Assignment will be emailed to you two weeks prior to the due date. Your Mid-Webinar assignment will be emailed to you at the conclusion of the Day 1 Session. Your Final Exam will be sent to you at the conclusion of the Day 2 Session.

The course may require 2-4 hours to complete the self-study pre-webinar exercises in advance of the webinar, and 1 ½ hours to complete the mid-webinar assignment and approximately 1 ½ -2 hours to complete the exam following the webinar. 


Start Time: 9:00 a.m. (Pacific)

End Time: 11:30 a.m. (Pacific)


Participants are eligible to take this course who have completed course work from IOIA including the 100 Level Livestock Standards Webinar, Basic Livestock Inspection Course, OR Livestock Inspection Field Training. Others that would qualify for the course include current inspectors and those with knowledge of the National Organic Program regulations, auditing, a background in livestock husbandry and crop production.

Certificates:  Participants who meet minimum requirements will receive an IOIA Certificate of Completion for 200 Level Livestock Feed Audit (Dairy) Training. 

Letters of Participation:  Students who attend but opt out of assignments and the exam, or fail to achieve a passing score, will receive an IOIA Letter of Participation for 200 Level Livestock Feed Audit (Dairy) Training, to document their attendance.

Please Note: Certificates and Letters of Participation will not be provided until the course is paid in full.